Memorial Garden, Heathside School, Weybridge
The Brief
Heathside School in Weybridge needed a garden designer to volunteer to improve a garden in their playground, which was a memorial garden for murdered teenager, Milly Dowler. I have a close friend with ties to the school, and remembered this sad story from my youth, so I offered to help.
We had a limited budget, but wanted to create a quiet, reflective space where the kids could go to chat, relax and eat their lunch, as well as it being an important commemorative space.
The Design
Using the existing brick path and circular paving area, I used planting to create an enclosed circle of calm and sensory enjoyment. Evergreen, and low maintenance shrubs of upright golden Yews, sweet smelling Christmas box (Sarcococca) and fingery-leaved choisyas formed the backbone of the planting. The sunnier area of the path was framed either side with a mix of grasses and perennials for movement and spring to autumn colour, with early spring bulbs heralding the arrival of the new year. A multi-stem Silver Birch Grayswood Ghost was planted to one side with cornus for winter colour, and a small Magnolia to the other. Hellebores were dotted amongst the trees.
The team comprised all volunteers and were great fun and so hard-working. It was an absolute pleasure to give my time to this worthwhile project.