1. Initial Site Visit and Consultation
After contacting us we will arrange an initial visit to discuss what you wish to achieve with your garden and introduce you to the design process. At this meeting we discuss all the issues, your tastes and requirements. After the meeting I will write to you with a proposal summarizing your requirements, outlining some ideas and with a fee proposal.

2. Site Survey
An accurate survey of the existing garden is required before any design work can take place. This is undertaken either by myself, or if the site is large or complex with lots of changes of level, a land surveyor. It shows the house, boundaries, existing features and levels
– information needed to create the garden plan.
3. Masterplan
The Masterplan is a scaled, birds-eye view of the garden design, and will be presented to you together with 3D sketches and supporting visuals to show you how the final garden will look. It acts as a discussion document allowing me to present my ideas and talk through any changes you may wish to make.
4. The Layout Plan
This incorporates any amendments agreed with you and is the Plan from which a landscape contractor will be able to cost, set out and build the garden. A specification, together with any necessary construction details of specific garden features, will accompany the Layout Plan.

5. Tendering Process
I am happy to recommend trusted contractors to carry out the hard and soft landscaping, and to help with the tendering process if required.

6. Planting Plan and Schedule
The Planting Plan shows the location and spacing of all the plants, both new and existing, in the design. The accompanying Plan Schedule lists the plant names, sizes and quantities and is used for costing, ordering and setting out the plants.

7. Project Monitoring
To ensure a satisfactory outcome I am available to monitor the progress of the garden as it is implemented and make site inspection visits as required.

8. Planting and Maintenance
After the garden has been constructed I can source, supply and set out all the plants in your garden and organise the planting if required. I pass on much of my trade discount to clients. I can also prepare easy to understand Maintenance Guides to ease you gently into caring for your new garden.